Salt Therapy for Spring Allergy Relief
Originally posted April 28, 2021
For many, the joys of springtime come with a downside: increased seasonal allergies and asthma. Medications can be helpful, but why not try a safe, natural, and risk-free therapy?
Salt therapy dates back over a century and a half to when people sought relief from their respiratory symptoms in the micro-environment of salt caves. Salt therapy (also called Halotherapy) brings this folk remedy into the 21st century with precise equipment grinding pharmaceutical-grade sodium chloride (table salt) into tiny particles and blowing it into Bodymind's beautiful Salt Room (pictured) where guests simply relax and breathe.
These tiny salt particles have three properties that reduce congestion and promote respiratory health.
Salt is a natural anti-inflammatory agent; inflammation is a primary culprit which causes suffering in those with seasonal allergies and asthma.
Salt kills pathogens, so your symptoms are less likely to progress towards sinus infections or pneumonia.
Finally, salt is hydrophilic, which means it draws moisture. In the Salt Room, you've breathed in salt to the lungs, bronchi, and sinuses, where congestion lies. Water moves through the body's tissues to the salt, thinning mucous and offering sweet relief!
Still have questions about Halotherapy? Visit our FAQ, and call/message us, we're always happy to answer your questions.